About Us
Usikimye is an organization working towards ending the prevalence of sexual and gender-based violence (GBV). We exist to ensure that women and girls from Kenya and its environs are safe and free from violence, exploitation, neglect, and abuse and have safe access to high-quality comprehensive responses that are appropriate to their individual needs, vulnerabilities, capacities whileat the same time, age and gender-sensitive.

GBV Response Helpline

Inua Mama

Library & Arts Program

GBV Rescue and Response


COVID-19 GBV Response (Psycho-Social Support Program)

Post Rescue Support

Feeding Program

Binti SRHR Program
Who We Are
Usikimye has rescued 4385 women and girls, 361 children, and 14 infants in 2020. We have also rescued 71 young men (teenagers) and 9 men. In 2021, Usikimye has coordinated/ rescued 486 women and girls from sexual and domestic violence, referred 2009 women and girls as wellto other organizations and safe houses. Usikimye gets approximately 150 rescue requests a day on social media, email, and on-call.
Usikimye works through various programs to ensure that we give timely survivor centered and trauma informed support.